Searching through eBooks is easy with Deep Discovery Search.
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How do I quickly find a MackinVIA eBook on a specific topic?
How do I navigate inside the eBook using my search topic?
How do I go back to an old search topic?
How do I quickly find a MackinVIA eBook on a specific topic?
To begin your eBook Deep Discovery Search, select eBooks on the left-hand menu.
Then, search for your topic. In this example, the search topic is “Pluto”.
MackinVIA will display a list of titles that contain your search topic. The search topic will also be highlighted within the eBook descriptions.
Select Open Now.
How do I navigate inside the eBook using my search topic?
When the eBook has been opened, you will see a list showing all of the times your search topic appears within the eBook.
Select one of the results on the list. You will be immediately brought to that page within the eBook.
Or, you can cycle through each time your search topic appears within the eBook by clicking on the < and > arrows in the center of the navigation bar, found at the top of the screen. In this example, the search topic “Pluto” appears 177 times within the eBook.
If you would like to go back to the list of results, click on the Magnifying Glass in the left side of the navigation bar.
If you would like to read the book without using Deep Discovery Search, click on the X on the right side of the navigation bar. Note: ending Deep Discovery Search will remove all of the highlighted search topics within the eBook.
How do I go back to an old search topic?
If you have ended Deep Discovery Search, you can retrieve old search topics by first clicking on Menu in the top-right corner of the title bar.
Click on Search.
Then choose your old search topic. You will then be able to select results How do I navigate inside the eBook from that search topic. Note: the most recent search topics will appear at the top of this list.