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MackinVIA FAQs

[/vc_column_text][vc_tour interval=”0″][vc_tab title=”General Questions” tab_id=”cb9330fb-16b4-2″][vc_column_text]How much does MackinVIA cost?
There is no fee for MackinVIA. You only pay for the content (eBooks, databases, audiobooks, videos) that you choose to purchase.

What is the difference between a single-user and multi-user license?
Once checked out or opened, single-user eBooks can only be used by one user at a time. Multi-user eBooks can be used simultaneously by an unlimited number of users. For example, an entire class could have the same eBook checked out at the same time.

Can purchases from other platforms be added to MackinVIA?
This is a unique feature of MackinVIA in that you are able to Bring Your Own License. We realize that your school or library may have purchased digital resources before adopting MackinVIA, so we built our platform to be open and robust enough to accommodate this very common request from our customers.

How will my existing resources be accessed through MackinVIA?
When your existing eBooks or databases are migrated into MackinVIA, a link to that eBook host platform or database is established. Whenever possible, Mackin will work with the vendor of the product to authenticate within MackinVIA so that no further log-ins are necessary.

Do you have titles suitable for all grade levels?
Yes, titles are available for all grade levels and are also broken out by Lexile levels for purchasing and searching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Administrators” tab_id=”aa8a5c4f-4dc7-3″][vc_column_text]How do I access the administrator functions for my MackinVIA account?
The administrator settings for MackinVIA are accessed through Mackin.com. From the main menu, hover over “My Mackin” and a drop down menu will appear. From that menu, click on “My MackinVIA” which will open the Administrator Management page for your account.

I am the MackinVIA administrator for multiple schools. How can I switch between the accounts on my MackinVIA Administrator Management page?
On the toolbar on the right side of your Administrator Management page, the top section will show “Location” and “VIA Name”. If you are the administrator for multiple MackinVIA accounts, there will be an arrow next to one or both of these. Clicking on this arrow will bring up a menu of the different accounts for which you are registered. To switch between accounts, click on the school you would like to access on that menu.

How do I activate the promotions available in MackinVIA?
When you have logged in to your MackinVIA Administrator Management page from Mackin.com, there will be a toolbar across the top of the page. Click on the “Promotions” heading on this toolbar to view the current promotions. Clicking on the “Select Products” button for each available promotion will allow you to activate this product in your MackinVIA account.

Can I add a link to MackinVIA to my library website?
Absolutely! There is a “Guides & Promotions” page for MackinVIA located at http://www.mackin.com/ELIBRARY/VIA-MATERIALS.aspx. Under the “Promotional Materials” section of this page, there are logos you can download, as well as information to add an HTML link to your library or school website.

Can an administrator or teacher set restrictions on the titles in a MackinVIA account?
Yes, an administrator can set restrictions on each site to grant access to only the titles you want a student to see.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Ordering” tab_id=”1434740355182-2-4″][vc_column_text]What types of content are available?
Currently, Mackin offers over 250,000 eBooks, interactive eBooks, and digital audiobooks, as well as 100 databases from the leading publishers in the industry.

What is the difference between a single-user and multi-user license?
Once checked out or opened, single-user eBooks can only be used by one user at a time. Multi-user eBooks can be used simultaneously by an unlimited number of users. For example, an entire class could have the same eBook checked out at the same time.

Are your eBooks perpetual access or subscriptions?
The majority of our titles come with a perpetual license, but some titles are available through a subscription with a predetermined time period (i.e. 1-year or 5-years). The access we offer is determined by the publisher of that title. Some subscriptions are for a set period of time during which the title may be checked out as many times as you’d like, while others are for a set number of checkouts before the subscription must be renewed.

How soon after I place an order will my titles be available?
On average, it takes one to two weeks for the order to be complete and the titles to appear in your MackinVIA account.

How do I know if a title is iPad compatible/downloadable/interactive?
When you search for an eBook on Mackin.com, next to the title name on the “Search Results” page there will be additional information written in a blue font. This is where you will find additional details about that eBook, such as whether it is single- or multi-user, if it is iPad or Android compatible, if it is interactive, and if it is a subscription. Also, the “Advanced Search” page allows you to choose only interactive or MackinVIA eBooks. The MackinVIA eBooks are all iPad compatible and downloadable.

Are your eBooks compatible with my library circulation system?
Yes, every eBook that you purchase from Mackin will come with an enhanced MARC record that you can load into your library circulation system, including Alexandria, Atriuum, Surpass and other commonly used systems. Having MARC records loaded into your circulation system will then bring up any eBooks that you own when performing a search in your OPAC. We include a link in the MARC record that directs the user right into MackinVIA when they click on “Click Here to Open” within the full record for that title. We are developing even further automatic connections with many of the major library circulation systems for seamless, authorized access, whether on-site or off-site.

Do I have to assign a barcode to the MARC record?
Assigning barcodes to eBook MARC records is optional. It can be useful if you want a way to keep track of your eBooks in your library circulation system. Some circulation systems do require that a barcode be in the MARC records before allowing them to be imported.

Can I renew my database subscriptions through Mackin if they were originally ordered from the publisher?
This depends on the publisher. Some publishers will allow you to renew your subscription through Mackin while others require you to renew through the source from which the subscription was originally purchased. Contact Mackin to determine if this option is available.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Checkouts” tab_id=”1434740410746-3-4″][vc_column_text]If an eBook is checked out in MackinVIA, will it show up as “checked out” in our library circulation system?
Currently, no. Your library circulation system and MackinVIA are separate systems that do not “talk” to each other that way. We are moving forward to create more connectors to allow authentication and shared data across some library circulation systems and MackinVIA.

How many checkouts are allowed to one patron at a time?
The Administrative features of MackinVIA allow you to choose how many eBooks can be checked out at any one time to a patron; currently any quantity from 1 – 99.

Do eBooks have to be checked out in order to read them?
No, users do not have to check out a title in order to read it. The only time you absolutely have to check out an eBook is if you are going to download it for offline use.

Are Holds and Renewal features available?
Yes, however a Backpack account needs to be created in order for these features to be accessed. A user can request an eBook that is currently checked out by using the “My Requests” feature of MackinVIA. If an email address is associated with the Backpack account, a notice will be sent out when the eBook is available to check out. Due dates for checked out items are displayed in “My Checkouts” so the user can see when the book will expire. Users have the option to renew titles they have checked out, through the “My Checkouts” section. The administrator has control over the number of renewals allowed.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Backpacks” tab_id=”1434740450291-4-6″][vc_column_text]What is a Backpack?
Personal user accounts, Backpacks, are used to hold favorites, notes, and highlights. They also allow the user to check out eBooks and download for offline use. Backpack log-in credentials are required to log-in to MackinVIA apps on mobile devices.

How do I create a Backpack?
Backpacks can be created in multiple ways. You can have the students register their own Backpacks by logging in to your school’s generic MackinVIA account and clicking on the Backpack icon. Or you may create Backpacks through your MackinVIA Administrator Management, which is accessed through Mackin.com by going to My Mackin > My MackinVIA. Once there, you will click on the “Manage” heading on the toolbar and click on Backpacks. Here you can create Backpacks one at a time by using the “Register New Backpack” button. Or you can create multiple Backpacks at a time by using the “Import” button. If you need further assistance, you may send your student data file to eservices@mackin.com and they will set up the backpacks for you. We also offer a free integration to your student information management system. Contact Mackin for more information and to set up this integration.

What information is needed to create a Backpack?
For each user, a user ID, password, and first name are required. User IDs must be unique for each user within the school. Passwords, however, can be the same for everyone. Optional information to include is last name, patron type, and email address. The email address will only be used on our end to notify the user that a requested title is available.

What do you recommend we use for Backpack usernames and passwords?
Usernames need to be unique to each user in a school. Many schools use their student and staff user IDs, which eliminates the need to remember multiple usernames. Passwords need to be between 3-50 characters. They can be unique to each user or the same for everyone.

Can I have one generic Backpack account for all my students to use?
While it is possible to have one generic account, students will not be able to check out books or save favorites, notes, and highlights, or download for offline reading. An individual Backpack is also required to log-in using a mobile device.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Migration” tab_id=”1434740498970-5-2″][vc_column_text]Purchases made prior to setting up your MackinVIA account:
With the initial purchase of digital resources from Mackin, your first migration of existing titles into MackinVIA is complimentary. Please be sure to send us your request in writing and include all digital resources in your catalog at the time of your request. Migration of additional digital resources after the first migration may be subject to charge. See below for additional information.

Purchases that cannot be made through Mackin:
As an additional customer service, all digital purchases that are not made through Mackin can be added to MackinVIA by the administrator using the Add/Edit feature tool in the MackinVIA administrative settings. The instructions for adding resources can be found in the Administrator Help Guide. Mackin can also assist you in adding resources into MackinVIA for a fee per the following fee structure.

[thb_button link=”/corp/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/MackinVIA_MigrationPolicies1.pdf” style=”outline” rounded=”” color=”accent” icon=”” size=”medium” animation=”” target_blank=”true”]…Read More[/thb_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Apps” tab_id=”1434740547232-6-6″][vc_column_text]Does MackinVIA work on mobile devices?
Absolutely! We have developed apps for the most widely used devices which optimize your viewing experience, based on the device you are using. Visit the “app store” for your device and do a search for “MackinVIA” to download this free app. We currently offer apps for Android devices; Kindle Fire tablets; Chromebooks; iPads, iPhones, and iPods; Mac desktops and laptops; and Windows desktops, laptops and tablets.

Does MackinVIA support access from home?
Yes! Whether on the bus, at an after-school event, or at home, MackinVIA can be accessed as long as you have a device with internet access and a Backpack. If you want to use an eBook where you do not have internet access, just download the resource onto your device beforehand for offline reading later.

How do I download an eBook to my device?
Once a title is checked out to you, it’s easy to download it to your device for offline reading using the app. Look for the “Download” button next to each title in “My Checkouts”.

I’d like to download the title to a different device. How do I do that?
The system restricts downloaded titles to one device at a time. So, you first need to push the title back to the cloud, essentially removing it from your device. To do that, open the app and click the “Move Online” button. Now, when you open the app on another device, the book will be available for download.

Is there a different reading experience online vs. offline?
When reading online, the eBook will open quickly but there may be some brief load time when flipping the pages because they are served one at a time. Offline, the eBook may take several seconds to open as the entire file is decrypted. However, once that process is complete, pages render rapidly. There is no difference in features or functionality of the reader.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Troubleshooting” tab_id=”1434740583312-7-10″][vc_column_text]Why are my eBooks from other vendors that have been migrated into MackinVIA asking for a login and password?
While we try to work with other vendors to authenticate their products to eliminate the need to log-in, that is not always possible. In these situations, the user will need to log-in to that vendor’s website even though they are already logged-in to MackinVIA.

Why is my school log-in information not working on the MackinVIA app?
When using the MackinVIA app, users need to log in using their personal Backpack account. The username and password for the generic school account will not work. If you are using your Backpack and it is still not working, report the school name, username, and password to Customer Service to allow further troubleshooting. A problem may exist with the school’s data integration system (i.e. LDAP).[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][/vc_tour][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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